IT in Dunamase

IT in Dunamase

In this Age of Technology, it is essential that students learn the skills associated with technology, using devices and online platforms. Students are supported with workshops on internet safety and take part in short courses such as Coding and Digital Media Literacy. In Transition Year and Leaving Certificate, students have the option to study Computer Science which prepares students for working in a world that is becoming more and more technologically oriented and develops their problem skills.

ICT is at the core of everyday life in our school community. Each classroom is fully equipped with an Apple TV box and digital projector. We also have a number of interactive whiteboards, visualisers and webcams. ICT in Dunamase College includes a range of hardware and software devices, scanners, digital cammers, multimedia programmes and image editing software. It also includes the communications equipment through which people seek and access information including the internet, our WIFI network, email and video conferencing.

We can see how the use of ICT in education can add value in teaching and learning by enhancing the effectiveness of learning, or by adding a dimension to learning that was not previously available. Students use iPads in Dunamase College for completing classwork and homework. Through the use of iPads the teaching and learning in our school is student-led and student-centered which, in turn, nurtures and improves learning experiences.

Being in a digital school, we recognise the pivotal role technology will play in the future of our students’ lives. This is reflected in our innovative delivery of the curriculum, using the most up to date educational practices.

We are proud recipients of the European Digital Award. Two TY students along with teachers Tomás Ó Murchú and Colin Waters, collaborated with LOETB schools in developing an action plan that focused on implementing digital assessment strategies as highlighted in the school’s recent SELFIE survey taken by students, teachers and school leaders.

Dunamase College,
Railway Street,
Co. Laois,
R32 WE02

057 866 4696

© 2025 Dunamase College